oliva enery

about us

How it started

Current energy systems, including traditional power grids, are not flexible enough to incorporate renewable energy effectively. This lack of flexibility leads to unnecessary CO2 emissions and significantly hinders the progress of the smart energy system transition.

To address this issue, we united our expertise in energy markets, renewable energy assets, data science, and IT, culminating in the creation of Oliva Energy—a pioneering force in the development of Smart Energy Systems.

Oliva Feasibility Scan

Our mission

Make energy systems smarter to better incorporate renewable energy.

Energy System Design Consultancy

What we do

We develop software that enables seamless communication between various components in a ‘Smart Energy System.’ Leveraging the power of AI and cutting-edge energy system hardware, our mission is to assist our clients in enhancing the flexibility of their ‘Smart Energy System.’

Our software solutions are available in stand-alone configurations, on the cloud, or integrated with hardware. In cases where our clients require new hardware installations, we collaborate with preferred partners to ensure seamless integration and optimal performance.

The founders

The founders combines years of experience in energy markets, installing renewable energy assets, data science, and IT.

Ronald Huisman

Ronald Huisman


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Daniël Lodders


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Peter Huisman


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Fred van der Werff


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Martin de Brouwer


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Kostya Grygorev


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Marc Nuijten


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Erik Kloet
